Taiwan-India GeoScience Workshop
Dates: January 10, 2011
Sponsors: National Science Council
Undertaker: Department of Geosciences, National Taiwan UniversityPosition: B1, 2nd Student Activity Center (GIS NTU Convention Center, Archimedes Hall)
Issues of this Workshop
(1) Earthquake precursory studies
(2) Earthquake Early Warning System
(3) Numerical modeling and simulation
Abstract Submission
Abstracts must be submitted by the submission deadline of 20 December 2010.
There is a limit of 3,500 characters for the text of your submission. The character count includes the title, authors, affiliations, and spaces.
There will be oral and poster presentations in the workshop. However, authors cannot request presentation type.
Please attach your abstract and attendance response form and send to cchan@ntu.edu.tw.
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